Treating Children. Curing Cancer.

Walk Details You Need To Know



Saturday, September 20th

Check-In Starts:


9:00 am  - Rain or Shine!!

Walk Start Time:


10:30 am



Long Dock Park, 8 Long Dock Road, Beacon, NY 12508
Directions are here; use Long Dock Road for Map quest or GPS 

Check-In: All Walkers MUST check-in. To facilitate check in, print out your Personal Page from the website and bring it with you OR be prepared to show it from your smartphone.

Registration will be available onsite starting at 9:00 AM.

Route: Participants will walk a 3 Mile route that starts and ends at the same location. There will be and volunteers guiding you along the route.

Donations: Envelopes will be provided for any donations you bring with you. Credit card, cash or check donations can be made on the day of the Walk. Reminder: Please put the name of the Walker in the “memo” portion of the checks.  All checks should be made out to: Hope & Heroes.

What to Bring: Dress appropriate for the weather. Wear comfortable shoes and bring a jacket if it is cool in the morning. Make sure you pay attention to the forecast and plan accordingly - The Walk is RAIN OR SHINE!

Walker Checklist:

Plan to stick around - we will have music, face painting, snacks and refreshments after the walk. 

If at any time you have a question regarding the Walk, fundraising or just want to chat, please don't hesitate to email us or call 212.305.1420. 

You are making a world of difference for children and families facing sickle cell disease. Thank you for all you have done and continue to do. We’ll see you Saturday at the Walk!


How is the money used from the walk? Funds will be directed to the exemplary Sickle Cell program at Columbia University Medical Center.

How do I register?
Registration is FREE. Click here to register now and you will be guided through the registration process. Once your registration is complete, you will receive a confirmation email receipt. If you don't wish to register online call 212.305.1420 and we will be happy to take your registration over the phone or send you a registration form.

How much does it cost to participate?
There is no minimum or maximum to participate, but we are asking every registered walker to CHALLENGE themselves by asking 10 friends for $10 and raising at least $100 each!

Does $100 sound like it will be difficult to raise? We promise it will not be. Are there Hope & Heroes Walk tools that you offer to help?
Yes! Check out our Fundraising Tips and Tools You Can Use pages for more information.

What happens after I register for the Walk?
Immediately following your registration for the Hope & Heroes Walk, you will get access to your Participant Center, including a Personal Fundraising Page that you can customize and powerful email tools that will help you maximze your participation in the event. Please contact us at by email or phone (212.305.1420) if you need any help.

My Participant Center isn't working - any suggestions?
Be aware that some TeamRaiser pages do not function well on Safari or Chrome browsers. Please try again using Internet Explorer or Firefox. As always, contact us for further assistance. 

What is a Walk Team?
Forming teams is a great way to build morale and camaraderie among co-workers, family members and friends. Teams are led by a team captain and are made up of five or more members including the Captain. However, there is no limit to the number of team members you can have and the larger the team, the greater the awareness and funds for Hope & Heroes!

Is it hard being a team captain?
Serving as a Team Captain does require a little extra effort, but the Hope & Heroes Walk Office is ready and able to support you. Also, you will find it extremely rewarding to recruit, motivate and organize your friends, family and co-workers for a day of hope and fun. See the Tools You Can Use page or our exclusive Team Captain’s Guide.

How do I register as a Team?
Simply choose a team name, set a goal and register as a team captain. See our Team Up page for more information.

Are pets, bicycles and in line skates allowed?
Pets must be leashed at all times and you are required to clean up after them. Bicycles and in line skates are allowed.
Additional Park Rules are here

I’m walking and my family will join me. Should they register for the walk?
Yes. All walkers five years old and up must register to participate. This is for your safety.

Can my child participate in the Walk?
The Walk is for all ages and with a little help from an adult, children have the potential to be great fundraisers. Who can say no to a child who is raising money to help other children?

Can I register for the walk the day of the event?
Yes. While we encourage you to pre-register, we do offer registration on the day of the walk starting at 9:00 AM. But keep in mind that by registering prior to the Walk, you will have more time to maximize your fundraising!

What if it rains?
The walk takes place rain or shine!  Unless there are extreme weather conditions, the event will take place. If rain is in the forecast, please dress accordingly and fun will still be had by all.

What if I cannot make it on the day of the walk? Can I still participate?
Absolutely! You can register for the Walk as a Virtual Walker by clicking here. You’ll have access to all the online fundraising tools and will be eligible for incentive prizes, just as if you actually attended the walk.

How can my company match my funds?
Every company has its own unique requirements so check with your Human Resources Department and ask for a matching gift form. Make sure you include your name and team name, if applicable, so we can apply the match correctly. The completed form can be mailed to Hope & Heroes, 161 Fort Washington Ave., IP-7, NY, NY 10032 or emailed to

Will the matching gift display on my personal page?
Yes! As soon as Hope & Heroes receives the matching funds from your company, we will post it to the website for viewing.

How do I turn in donations?
Funds raised online are automatically directed to Hope & Heroes. For funds raised offline, you may bring them with you to the walk site or mail them directly to Hope & Heroes, 161 Fort Washington Ave., IP-7, NY, NY 10032. Remember to include the name of the walker (and team) in the memo portion of the check.

Who do I make checks payable to?
Please make checks payable to Hope & Heroes. Make sure that your team name and walker name is located in the memo of the check so that the money gets attributed to the right person.

How long does it take for checks to show up on my account? 
It depends how many checks are coming in the office and how close it is to the event. Checks that are mailed prior to the event can take a week or so to show up on your account. Any donations that you hand in the day of the event can take a few weeks to show up on your account. You will also have the option of entering offline gifts onto your Personal Fundraising Page yourself, using the Participant Center. Feel free to ask us for help. However, to avoid the wait and extra steps, you can always encourage your donors to sponsor you online. Online donations are safe and easy.

Are donations tax deductible and how do I get a receipt? 
Yes. All donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. Your cleared check or credit card transaction serves as a receipt. For your records, our Tax ID # is 74-3066193.

What do I need to bring with me to the Hope & Heroes Walk? 
After you register, you will be receiving follow up emails up until the Walk Including more on how to maximize your fundraising and prepare for your Hope & Heroes Walk participation.

How does Team Fundraising work?
Although you can donate to a specific team, by donating to a walker you are supporting the team the walker is on and, of course, the event as a whole. Fundraising prizes and incentives are based on individual and team fundraising success. Teams can fundraise together and distribute the donations among team members if they would like.

What if I can’t finish the Walk?
No problem! All walkers will be allowed to walk as little or as much of the route as they can.

What do I wear to the walk?
Dress in layers in case it is chilly in the morning. In addition, wear comfortable walking shoes. Please note: there is no baggage check at the walk.

If at any time you have a question regarding the Walk, fundraising or just want to chat, please don't hesitate to email us or call 212.305.1420